Magnificat Day of Joy 2014
Fr Peter John Cameron, OP
"The Woman at the Well and the Wellspring of Holiness"
MMOS X 2015
Peter Herbeck
"Strengthen Your Brothers"
Lumen Civitatis Inagural Guest Speaker Series Lecture
Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP
"Lumen Civitatis: the Legacy of Pope St John Paul II"
April 28, 2015
Fr Paul Murray, OP
"Astonishing Journey into God: the Dark Night of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta"
August 11, 2015
Fr Romanus Cessario, OP
"Meeting Christ in the Sacraments"
October 16, 2015
Archbishop Arthur Roche
"Mercy and the Spiritual Life"
October 6, 2016
John Henry Crosby
"The Witness of Dietrich von Hildebrand"
August 17, 2017
Donald Cardinal Wuerl
"The Radical Call to Missionary Discipleship"
October 17, 2017
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Advent Hymns and Reflections
December 9, 2017
Magnificat Day of Joy 2014
Fr Robert Barron
"The Saints: Resplendant in Light"
MMOS X 2015
Archbishop J. Peter Sartain
"Strengthen Your Brothers"
Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP
"Presenting Catholic Moral Teaching: the Difficulties and Some Solutions"
April 29, 2015
Fr Paul Murray, OP
"Light in a Troubled World: Prayer and the Challenges to Living Faith Today"
August 12, 2015
John Michael Talbot
"The Jesus Prayer in the Year of Mercy"
February 11, 2016
Archbishop Arthur Roche
"Impacts of the New Roman Missal on the English-Speaking World"
October 7, 2016
John Henry Crosby
August 18, 2017
Donald Cardinal Wuerl
"The Radical Call to Missionary Discipleship"
October 17, 2017
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
"O Come, O Come Emmanuel"
December 9, 2017
Father Peter John Cameron
"The Role of Ongoing Conversion in the
Life of Faith"
September 10, 2018
Dr. Peter Kreeft
"The Many Catholic Themes in
The Lord of the Rings"
August 26, 2019
Dr. Peter Kreeft
"The Meaning of Freedom
in Aquinas"
August 27, 2019