Michael Miller Coming to Memphis This Fall
Michael Miller of PovertyCure and the Acton Institute is to visit Memphis this Fall. Michael is an expert on Social Enterprise as it...

Lumen Civitatis to Sponsor MMOS X
Lumen Civitatis is thrilled to be the first-ever "Presenting Sponsor" for the Tenth Men's Morning of Spirituality (MMOS X)! The event is...

Lumen Civitatis Launches New Website
As it approaches its first birthday on March 17, 2015, Lumen Civitatis is launching a new website that provides viewers with a rich...

Date Established for Visit by Father Romanus Cessario, OP
Father Romanus Cessario, OP, Chairman of the Magnificat Foundation, will be in Memphis on Saturday, October 17 for a talk on the legacy...

Details Set for Visit by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, OP
Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, Adjuct Secretary of the Congregation on the Doctrine of the Faith, will be in Memphis from the Vatican...

Archbishop J. Peter Sartain to Keynote MMOS X
Lumen Civitatis is providing the funding to the Fishers of Men of Memphis to bring Archbishop Peter Sartain, one of its advisory board...

Father Paul Murray, OP Coming to Memphis in August
Father Paul Murray, OP, who is perhaps best known for his publications on the dark night experiences of Blessed Mother Teresa, is coming...

In Gratitude to Father Paul
Fr Paul Watkins, OP, more affectionately known by friends as “Fr Paul” has decided to step down from his responsibilities as board member...

Attendees Relate "Awesome" SEEK2015 Experience
The students, Leaders, Faculty, and Laity from Memphis and the Mid-South who attended the SEEK2015 conference in Nashville returned today...

Lumen Civitatis Mentioned in Faith West Tennessee
The January/February 2015 issue of Faith West Tennessee mentions a portion of the 2015 programming of Lumen Civitatis in an article on...